ABC Cooking Travel

Meet traditions & heart-warming people!

Even though and finally, inner market of Tsukiji has moved for its relocation, we still have the outer (old) market, which is actually much more fun to visit.




While Toyosu (new market – opened on Oct 11) market is operated only for professionals and wholesale use, Tsukiji (old) market is open for everyone with high quality and reasonable price for all products.




 These places are open throughout the day, and are packed with tourists enjoying their meals.




Moreover, Tsukii old market is where you can meet locals and heart-warming people who are welcoming you at stores.


You can communicate with those people and your tour guide will show you around lots of local ingredients.



So, don’t hesitate to visit outer shopping market of Tsukiji if you’re sad for its relocation. Don’t worry, you’ll still see many seafood and vibrant people there.



For inquiry, you can reach us via the tour page blow. We operate Tsukiji Old Market Walking Tour almost everyday on weekday.




Thank you!