ABC Cooking Travel

Collaborate with ‘Subara-T’ Project!

We had a trial cooking class for the possible campaign which is collaborated with ‘Subara-T’ project.


At the end of the class, what we did to the customers was…


Present some nice gift, which is…


Name-printed T shirts! ヽ(^o^)丿


Happy to see their smile! We will continue this trial class on some dates and see how we can work together well. Thank you!



#cooking #cook #amateurcooks #cookingclass #tour #tourism #chef #trip #japantrip #traveljapan 
#tempura #wagashi #japanesefood #tokyo #japan#raveller #travel #familytrip #familyvacation#grouplesson #teambuilding #washoku #sushi #sushimaking #Tsukiji